Break Free From The Past

Using a unique blend of Clinical, Spiritual, and Metaphysical techniques and modalities to help you overcome obstacles, painful experiences, and achieve personal growth

The Healing Place EMDR & Holistic Therapy provides specialized therapy that reveals, reprocesses, and replaces harmful thoughts, beliefs, and feelings so you can move forward in your life, increase confidence, self-awareness, & resilience.

Through Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Parts Work (IFS), & other Holistic modalities, I will guide you in your healing journey.

I provide evidence-based and effective psychotherapy services with the integration of spirituality and complimentary alternative interventions to help you heal.

As a trauma therapist, I guide and support you in a way that allows you to tap into your inner power & feel more fulfilled, confident, & happy.

Your Relationships and life will improve & you will gain the confidence to step out into the world as your Authentic Self.

By connecting your mind, body, and soul, you will be able to rise and transform your life.

Are you ready?

What is The Healing Place EMDR & Holistic Therapy and How Can It Help You?

Find Balance, Harmony, & Inner Peace

  • Release any pain, shame, guilt & emotional suffering you have been carrying in your heart, mind, body, & soul.

  • Learn how to quickly & effectively let go of any limiting beliefs holding you back and keeping you feeling small.

  • Conquer the darkness by shedding all that is not you.

  • Access the courage to accept & forgive what has been and discover your light.

  • Clear your mind and energy blocks so you may create and attain the life you envision for yourself.

  • Connect with your Authentic-Self, discover your inner power, & break free from what the world told you to be or are. Live in alignment & truth.

  • Transcend trauma. Embrace the parts of you kept hidden out of fear and shame, and step into your power. You deserve to find true self-acceptance, inner peace, love, & joy.

  • Discover how you are worthy of abundance, prosperity, and all that is good. You are so worth it!

Get To Know Me

My approach is rooted in the belief that each individual possesses the inherent capacity to heal and create a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and authentic connections. Having witnessed and experienced firsthand the magic of coming home to oneself, I am dedicated to empowering clients transform their pain into something beautiful.

Drawing upon both professional expertise and personal experiences, I recognize the profound impact that unresolved wounds can have on our ability to experience true joy, abundance, peace, and meaningful connections.

Through a holistic approach that integrates EMDR therapy and a range of complementary modalities, I facilitate a transformative process that enables individuals to release their emotional burdens and reconnect with their inner power.

As your trusted therapist and guide, my mission is to help you embark on a transformative journey towards healing, growth, and self-actualization.

I Specialize In Working With:

  • Individuals committed to Self-Improvement. Particularly, those passionate about self-discovery, spirituality, and all things metaphysical. You know, the crystal loving, yogis, sage burning, tree-hugging, nature-loving, deep feeling, warriors of light who are ready to dive deep and heal the wounds from the past once and for all.

  • High Achievers, perfectionists, and those who find it difficult to relax and “go with the flow.”

  • Healers. Those who are determined to not only heal themselves, but to help others heal. If you experience compassion fatigue or burnout, reach out!

  • Individuals facing life transitions such as: divorce, separation, empty-nest, career changes, or identity-crisis. In other words, adults facing the dark night of the soul, who need to find their light in the darkness.

  • Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSP’s). The ones who “feel too much, too deeply” and and take on the energies of those around them, ending up feeling depleted, overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed.

  • Adults who feel unfulfilled in life, career, and direction. Those seeking to live in alignment and in connection to their higher purpose.

  • Individuals who have unresolved trauma/pain, & feel disconnected from self and others. Those who long for connection and self-acceptance. Trauma, self-esteem and anxiety are my speciality!

Therapy From The Comfort of Your Own Home

Next Steps

Taking the first step towards seeking therapy is a courageous decision, and I’m here to guide you through the process. My goal is to ensure your experience is seamless, supportive, and personalized to meet your unique needs. Here's what to expect next as you embark on this journey with me.

Reach Out To Me:

You can start by reaching out through my convenient Contact Form on this website or by giving me a call or sending a text. I value your time, and your initial 15-minute consultation is free.

Schedule a Free 15-Minute Consultation:

During this complimentary consultation, we'll have an opportunity to briefly discuss your concerns and goals for therapy. It's a chance for you to get to know me and for me to understand how I can best support you.

Determine the Right Path Forward:

Together, we'll assess if my services align with your needs and goals. If it's a good fit, we'll proceed to the next step. If we determine that another approach may be more suitable for you, I’ll provide recommendations to ensure you receive the most appropriate care.

Secure Document Sharing:

After our consultation, if we mutually agree to move forward, I securely share necessary documents through a HIPAA-compliant platform. Your privacy and security are of utmost importance to me.

Complete Documents on Your Client Portal:

You'll receive an email with instructions to access your client portal and complete the required documents at your convenience. The client portal is a confidential space where you can securely share important information with me.

Schedule Your Initial Session:

Once I receive your completed documents, I’ll work with you to schedule your first session. This session is an opportunity for me to better understand your unique needs and collaboratively create a personalized treatment plan.

Begin The Journey Back To Yourself. You Are Who You Have Been Waiting For.

Your well-being is my priority, and I’m dedicated to supporting you throughout your therapeutic journey. If you're ready to take the next step toward positive change, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to meeting you and embarking on this transformative journey together.

“Your inner healing will only happen when you ignore the background noise and focus on your inner voice.”

― Gift Gugu Mona